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Xirrus VoWiFi
Voice where you want it, when you need it.

Cambium Networks have acquired Xirrus! For the latest Xirrus' products please visit our Cambium Networks site.

To get the advantages of mobility and to utilize the advanced features of enterprise class digital PBX’s, enterprises must use mobile phones that are capable of running over Wi-Fi networks. Voice Over Wi-Fi, or VoWiFi allows enterprise grade digital phones to operate over a Wi-Fi signal. The digital phones can operate anywhere there is a sufficient Wi-Fi signal strength providing enterprises the benefits of mobility and the advanced features (and reduced cost) of a digital PBXs.

Enterprise VoWiFi is mature and poised for mass deployment. Enterprise IT departments have wrapped their arms around VoIP networks over the last decade, and extension of VoIP onto the Wi-Fi network will require minimal effort. However, proper Wi-Fi design, testing and verification should not be overlooked, as traditional wireless data network deployments are often ill suited for VoWiFi.

The Xirrus next-generation Wireless Arrays have the greatest Wi-Fi coverage and performance in the industry, making them the ideal solution for VoWiFi implementations.

Highlights of Xirrus Arrays: